Warren du Preez and Nick Thornton Jones
I’d always been a fan of this duo’s work and every season their ongoing collaborations with couture designer iris van herpen were always something to look forward to.

when I was still a fine art student in Chelsea college, there was an event one night in the V&A with many famous photographers talking about their work. The talks were occurring simultaneously so you could only pick one photographer’s talk. Paolo Roversi, Tim Walker or Warren and Nick. Tough choice, ay? I can respect Tim Walker and he’s obviously a legend in the industry but I was never a huge fan of his whimsical, fey style, despite owning a couple of his books.
It was a tough choice – roversi or du preez and thornton jones. in the end I took the road less travelled by, went to listen to the illustrious duo and that made all the difference.

Although rather secretive about their technical technique they were very forthcoming about their creative path and how they approach working and what their goals were. I really found listening to them incredibly inspiring and I dreamt of creating work like theirs one day.
by Hugh O'Malley, Beauty Photographer and Videographer based in Shanghai